Seminário "The Quantum Dynamics of Adsorbed Particles: The diffusion of H on Pd(111) and of CO on Cu(100)"

Na terça-feira, 08/04/2014, às 15:00h, no Auditório do Prédio do PPGFIS, ocorrerá o seminário "The Quantum Dynamics of Adsorbed Particles: The diffusion of H on Pd(111) and of CO on Cu(100)", a ser ministrado pelo Prof. Dr. Roberto Ruy Marquardt (Université de Strasbourg/França). Estão todos convidados.


The diffusion of adsorbed particles is an important process intervening in heterogeneous catalysis. Yet, and despite the significant progress achieved in the past decades in the domain of surface science, only little in known about the details of this process, both experimentally and theoretically. In the present lecture we address some of the lacking pieces of information. In particular, the nature of the diffusion process will be elucidated by results from our work on the quantum dynamics of this process. The figure below shows a section of the 6D potential energy hypersurface for the CO/Cu(100) system from [1]. The barriers for the hollow and bridge site diffusion are at variance with results from 3He-spin echo experiments [2]. We shall address this discrepancy in the paper.

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