Seminário: "Dark Matter particles and their velocity dispersion"
Nesta sexta-feira, 19/04/2013 às 17 horas, teremos o seminário "Dark Matter particles and their velocity dispersion", a ser ministrado pelo Prof. Oliver Piattella (DFIS-UFES), que ocorrerá no auditório do prédio da Pós-Graduação em Física.
We investigate solutions of Vlasov-Einstein equation for collisionless particles (representing dark matter) in the context of a flat Friedmann universe. In the linear regime of perturbations, the inclusion of velocity dispersion effects permits to define a physical Jeans length for collisionless matter as a function of the primordial phase-space density indicator Q. For dark matter particles of mass about 200 GeV, the derived Jeans mass is 10^{-6} solar masses.