Mini-curso "Geometric theories of gravity"
Nos dias 5, 7, 12 e 14/02/2014, sempre às 11 H, ocorrerá o mini-curso "Geometric theories of gravity", a ser ministrado pelo Prof. Bertrand Chauvineau (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur - France).
Geometry & basic tools
I - Gravity & geometrical concepts
II - What can a geometric gravity lagrangian look like?
III – Symmetries, conservation laws, laws of conservation
Geometric gravity : General Relativity & sisters
IV - General Relativity & ways to alternatives
V - f(R) theories
VI - Other purely metric alternatives vs Ostrogradsky theorem
VII - Scalar-tensor theories
VIII - f(R) vs scalar-tensor
IX - Non-dynamical scalar-tensor