Seminário "Conventional and Enhanced Canonical Quantizations, Application to some Simple Manifolds"
Na quinta-feira, 22/08/2013, 14:00 h, no auditório do prédio do PPGFIS, teremos o seminário "Conventional and Enhanced Canonical Quantizations, Application to some Simple Manifolds", a ser ministrado pelo Dr. Gabriel Yves H. Avossevou, da Université Abomey/Bénin. Estão todos convidados.
It is well known that the representations over an arbitrary configuration space related to a physical system of the Heisenberg algebra allow to distinguish the simply and non simply-connected manifolds [arXiv:quant-ph/9908.014, hep-th/0608.023]. In the light of this classification, the dynamics of a quantum particle on the line is studied in the framework of the conventional quantization scheme as well as that of the enhanced quantization recently introduced by J. R. Klauder [arXiv:1204.2870]. The quantum action functional restricted to the phase space coherent states is obtained from the enhanced quantization procedure, showing the coexistence of classical and quantum theories, a fundamental advantage offered by this new approach.