Seminário "Random walks in the sky (remembering your steps!)"

Nesta quarta-feira, 11/06/2014, às 10 horas, no Auditório da Pós-Graduação em Física, teremos o seminário "Random walks in the sky (remembering your steps!)", a ser ministrado pelo Dr. Marcello Musso (Université de Louvain, Bélgica). Todos estão convidados.


“Distribution and correlation properties of dark matter halos probe important features of the standard model of our Universe, such as the relative abundance of its constituents (through their redshift dependence) and the deviation from Gaussianity of its initial conditions (through their scale dependence). I will present recent developments of the so-called excursion set theory, which uses random walks to make simple - yet remarkably accurate – analytical predictions for halo statistics, and compare them with simulations.”
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