Seminário "The concept of quasi-integrability"

Na quinta-feiras, 12/12/2013, às 15 horas, no Auditório do PPGFis, ocorrerá o seminário intitulado "The concept of quasi-integrability" a ser ministrado pelo Prof. Dr. Luiz  Agostinho Ferreira (IFSC-USP).


The concept of quasi-integrability has been proposed recently in the context of deformations of integrable field theories in 1+1 dimen-sions. These are theories that possess an infinite number of charges with intriguing properties. In the scattering of two soliton-like so-lutions these charges are asymptotically conserved, i.e. even though they vary considerably during the scattering process their values in the far past and the far future are the same. In this talk we will dis-cuss the recently performed application of these ideas to deformations of the sine-Gordon and Nonlinear Schrodinger equations.


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