Seminário "Entanglement entropy in quantum many body systems"
Nesta quinta-feira, 17/10/2013, às 15:00 h, no auditório do PPGFis/CCE, teremos o seminário "Entanglement entropy in quantum many body systems", a ser ministrado pelo Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ali Rajabpour (IFSC/USP). Estão todos convidados.
In this time I will review different aspects of von Neumann entanglement entropy (and also Renyi entropy) in one dimensional quantum many body systems with more emphasize on the developments done on the field theoretical side of the problem. I will tell you about the motivations to calculate the von Neumann entanglement entropy in critical and non-critical systems. I will list also the applications of the results coming from field theory in quantum phase transition studies especially spin chains. I will end the review with some recent developments.